Augencreme richtig anwenden! + Erklärung in 5 Schritten

Use the eye cream correctly! + Explanation in 5 steps

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Cream is cream is often heard when it comes to general facial care. However, we can conscientiously put a stop to this, which is why today we devote ourselves to the topic of eye care, especially the eye cream ...

First of all: what does one do Eye cream actually?

The skin around the eye is extremely sensitive and very thin, which is why it is very important to use a special eye cream for this face. An eye cream not only donates moisture, it also helps to reduce swelling (after a hard night), it tightens the skin and offers an extraordinarily fine anti-aging effect. You could say that you feel like you are born after use. 

How do you use an eye cream now?

Here are 4 steps that you should absolutely incorporate into your skin care routine.

Step 1: prepare your skin!

First there is no rule whether the eye cream should be applied in the morning and/or in the evening.

Probably the most important step in eye care is preparation for the cream. So wash your hands thoroughly before use to ensure that you do not spread any bacteria near your eyes. Use a facial cleaner of your choice to free dirt and bacteria from your facial skin and, if necessary, apply a toner.

Step 2: less is more!

As you already know, it is too rich or too much cream is not good for the skin, because so the pores are slightly clogged and the skin is more difficult to "breathe". The same applies to the eye skin, although it is even more sensitive than, for example, that of our cheeks.

But what is "too much" now? We recommend a pea -sized amount per eye. Even better and above all more beautiful we find 4 small pearl -sized droplets per eye (see photo under this section).

Eye cream lot per eye (4 pearl -sized droplets)

Step 3: It depends on the right place!

One Eye cream Is not applied to or in the eye (eyeball)!

Only the skin around the eye is cared for with an eye cream. For eye care at the eyeball, there are eye drops of all kinds or even better: an ophthalmologist!

So start applying the eye cream from the inside, i.e. from the back of the nose, to the outside towards the temple. Even the upper eye bone and the eyebrow should not be neglected in the course of this. The upper eyelid can also be taken away, but should be checked by using the instructions for use.

Apply eye cream correct

Step 4: Knock knock! Who's there ...

... no joke! The eye cream should be gently "knocked" with the middle finger. Why knock? The gentle catching of the cream has the positive effect that the skin is well supplied with blood in seconds and that the cream can be absorbed better and more efficiently. Why with the middle finger? The middle finger has the most feeling about the motor skills of our movements. Very easy :)

Step 5: Stay on it!

As with all nursing routines, it is also the case with the Eye cream Important to be consistent and stay. So use the cream regularly, as I said, in the morning and/or in the evening, depending on how you feel comfortable and how your eyes processes the cream. Apply these tips & tricks and you will be really amazed at how important it is to use a cream for the eyes.


Now you know what an eye cream is, what it does and how it can be used. No matter which one Eye cream In the end, you decide that the routine remains the same. Use eye cream when you have the flag, dry skin if you have wrinkles or wrinkles or you want to prevent them or if you just want to do something good for your skin! 

I hope you liked this post and you could take a little for yourself!

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