Depending on availability, you will receive 1-3 free samples with every order! These free samples are carefully selected and personalized to your order by our warehouse staff. 

If you are not completely satisfied with your order and have to return it, you can still keep the free samples for yourself. They do not have to be returned with your order.

You want to buy a make-up - but you are unsure about the exact color?

Then simply order a product sample!

For foundations & concealers, we offer you the opportunity to test up to 5 shades in advance. To do this, we fill a small container with the desired product and send it to your home for you to test on your mirror. 

Simply go to the product of your choice and select SIZE simple SAMPLE from.

For one sample we charge a flat rate of 2,00€. Please note that our store requires a minimum order value of €5.00. The samples will then be sent to you by post!

HERE you can find all make-ups with available product samples